By BornInTheWrongEra - 31/03/2013 06:24 - United States

Today, my neighbours came to yell at me as they could hear my "shit music" through my window during the afternoon, so I turned it off. They then began to play their definition of "quality music" into the late hours of the night. I was listening to the Beatles. They blasted Nicki Minaj. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 245
You deserved it 5 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who would willingly listen to Nicki Minaj?

damwoods 12

When you live in the ghetto what can you say .....


I understand that many people that listen to the Beatles feel their music is far superior to modern music, and looking at the facts of sales that's true, however if you made fried chicken and I got fast food chicken nuggets because i like it better, would you still attempt to fabricate superiority just because it isn't original?

Crank out an ear-shattering rendition of Hey Jude. 33 times.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

Nicki Minaj only puts out what the corporation tells her to put out, and it's a shame because some of her rapping is actually decent (I don't mean Stupid Hoe and other stuff like that) but that's what people want to hear? Most mainstream artists have little to no control over what goes out. That's the sad thing a out the music industry today.

I'm so ashamed in my generation smh.

osm1989_fml 6

My guitar is gently weeping right now.

It means a lot that The Beatles still have so many fans now, though artists like Nicki Minaj will be forgotten in 10, hell, 5 years. Personally I have loved the Beatles since I was able to talk.

**** that, I would have kept blasting The Beetles, and then thrown on some Zeppelin.