By Anonymous - 09/06/2011 23:02 - United States

Today, my new iPhone was stolen from my school locker. After canceling my service, sobbing, having my mom yell at the secretary for their lack of security and finally agreeing to change to a private school, I found it in the corner of my locker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 056
You deserved it 81 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments

U deserve it for overreacting! Geez, calm down!

xMexicanXJesusx 0

Well what're you gonna do now?


iPhone users. Generally retarded. Sent from my Android phone.

LOL go back to playing Droid-tac-toe while I play Fruit Ninja

awww mommy's wittle boy.. maybe you should double check before assuming someone stole it, you know what happens when you assume random things... plus i bet mommy would buy you a new one since you seem like a spoiled brat..

shmity8 0

Your a little spoiled bitch, enough said.

Wow, this is jut sad, how hard could you have looked?

MariaaIsSexyy 0

You're ******* stupid! Do ya know that?

felah17 6

yeah you needed to move.......To a different country that is!!!!!

how is it the secretarys fault that your an idiot and lost your phone? i hope your mom aplogized to them afterwards?

kittydriftwood 0
steelersfan3250 0