By dj163 - 16/09/2009 08:25 - Australia

Today, my (now former) best friend kicked me out of the band I started because I wasn't 'dedicated enough' after a 3 day 'holiday' to visit my dying uncle. He also during this 3 day 'holiday' convinced my girl friend to leave me and date him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 981
You deserved it 3 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good choice with making him no longer your best friend. If she's that easily convinced and that easily betrayed... You're better off.


Take Reel Big Fish's advice and don't start a band.

lmmmr 0

Don't take Reel Big Fish's advice on anything. Least of all regarding music.

jaystreet46 4

Ya, nobody listens to ska anymore!

you totally deserved it cause you let it happen. vendetta is what you need

treizenic26 0

hmmm sounds kinda like the rocker. but if its true then FYL?

Kick the shit out of him. What a punk. And your girlfriend sounds like a ****, leaving you while your uncle dies for your bandmate? What a ****

You should be happy that girl and those "friends" are out of your life now, but you are still perfectly within your rights to pull a Joe Pesci on that guy and just be brutal.

Here's what actually happened, your best friend has been screwing your girlfriend for ages now and she's just decided to finally ditch you because you're clearly a gullable idiot with no balls. Your best mate then obviously had to kick you out of the band otherwise you'd be spending time together which would be awkward for both of you as you know that straight after practise he'd go stick it in your now ex girlfriend, and she'd no doubt enjoy it alot more than she did with you. Get some stones.

lmmmr 0

Your life sounds completely shallow and petty and dishonest. Your band must have been terrible.

I get what #1 is saying but its more than that. He (ex) best friend not only stole his girl but also kicked him out of his band. What a jerk.

slayer1587 0

You should've kicked him in the balls

smkeryday 0

you need to man up and kick his ass then break his guitar or drums or wtf he plays.then kick your ex in the ******!ya