By Birthday Surprise - 26/05/2014 21:18 - United States - Fayetteville

Today, my parents thought it would be a great surprise to accidentally shoot me in the leg for my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 649
You deserved it 4 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SharnaaaBanana 22

With an actual bullet? Or something like a BB gun?

Bazooka. Nothing out of the ordinary.


What a lovely birthday present! Did you return the favor?

This FML is so confusing. How come OP get shot?

It's because his parents either have really bad or really good aim.

RedPillSucks 31

Don't pick on Rednecks. I know a lot of suburbanites who have accidentally shot their kids (some on purpose too).

"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, outrun my gun."

I can't believe how well that song fit with this occasion. Well done, fine sir.

How can they "think it would be a great surprise" if it was accidental?

One of those statements has to be false, and since I'm sure OP was surprised to be shot... On a completely unrelated side note, OP might need to increase security for their next birthday party.

How do you choose o accidently shot someone? That is premeditated! Charge them with attepted murder.

Dont get why youre getting downvoted...Agree with you

conman531 23

His grammar sucks that's partly why

Also, call me old fashioned or devoutly loyal - but I would never purposefully have any of my family put into jail or charged with a crime at my account... They're family at the end of the day! Regardless of what they do -.- You can choose you're friends but you can't choose you're family...

Simple. The spelling is so bad it should be "accidentally" shot in the leg.

bfsd42 20

Get your parents put in jail for a long time??? Anyone who would do that us rather stupid.

RedPillSucks 31

Shooting someone in the knee would probably not draw the attempted murder charge.

If my family shot me in the leg ON PURPOSE, I wouldn't care if they're family, they are going to jail. I know OPs parents did it on accident so it's different, just replying to your comment

what happened to the good ol' SURPRISE! and singing "happy birthday"?!.

Perhaps they shot you because of boring, pointless stories like this. Just be glad their aim isn't better.

Rayth 19

This needs a follow up. We need to know what you was shot with.

Vanshikap 24

Haha at least you have a good story to tell now OP.anyway,happy birthday. also,cn we plz have a follow up?

One of the hazards of having awesome parents! Happy birthday, now you can cross it off the "crazy things to do" list.