By Jaclk - 24/04/2012 21:28 - United States - Needham

Today, my parents went out of town and I was home all alone. I put up party decorations such as streamers, balloons and confetti. Then, I drank out of red cups, crushed them up and put them all over the house. I didn't have a party, I just wanted to convince my family that I'm not a loser. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 888
You deserved it 19 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uhhm... No one puts up party decorations for an actual party...


desire5150 5

Watch the movie project x and learn some shit.

I think shit is easy to learn. I mean, it comes out of your anus, it's pretty much Taco Bell after a few hours, it comes in many colours and many sizes. It also comes in different forms. It also smells bad. There, basic Shit 101. You don't need project X to learn shit.

mrphychrs 5

why didn't u just throw an actual party instead of a pretend one?

If you went as far as throwing a party (real or fake) just to prove your parents that you're not a loser? I'm refusing to vote on this one. You don't need to impress them. If they think you're already a loser, **** them. Live your own life the way YOU want it. Don't pretend to be something you're not. Be proud of who you are. Once you're older, you'll prove that you're not a loser by showing them how far you got in life. Good luck.

dellis44 7

you didn't forget to set fake drunk statuses on your Facebook, right?

jerseyboy732 16

I would have went if u invited me

emberwolf21 0

Instead of having a one person party u should have had actual people show up? No offense but having a "fake party " is as lame as it gets. Streamers?....... Sad.

ArmedcrackerR6 8

I'm guessing it didn't work for you huh? Now you are twice the loser you were when you started.