By SpiderFather - 02/07/2013 08:01 - France
Top comments
If I were OP, I'd have told my kid that it won't work anyway since there can only be one spiderman in the world, as I proceed to spray him with silly string hidden under my sleeve.
#13- The joke would kind of lose it's punch when you paused to get silly string. Or are you the kind of person who keeps silly string up their sleeve at all times just in case something like this happens? And if so, will you marry me?
Seems like it would bite after he picked it up. Is you son ok?
I'm pretty sure a spider would die after being microwaved, so its days of biting would be over.
Relax OP, 7 yo's are supposed to do dumb shit like that. 10 years from now, you'll wish he was still putting spiders in a microwave.
*looks for the "your son is awesome" button* Come on mods! We need that button!
My spidy senses are tingling.
Didn't the spider die ?
It might not have. I had a friend who once microwaved a spider for 40 seconds and it didn't die.
At least he's creative
I like his style.