By SpiderFather - 02/07/2013 08:01 - France

Today, my seven-year-old son put a spider in the microwave. Animal cruelty? No. The goal was to irradiate it, then get it to bite him so that he would become Spider-Man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 475
You deserved it 46

Top comments

lhazz11 23
Nolimit2217 32


rety1 13

Wrong kind of radiation. That kind just heats things up it doesn't give special powers or extra limbs or any cool stuff.

That's actually cool. FHL, he deserves a cooler dad.

perdix 29

#11, and spray Silly String all over his hands and play it off like he had a Spidey Nocturnal Emission (TM).

thepretender10 4

let me know how that turns out

He understands the basic concept of irradiation, and he's not afraid of spiders. He will do well in life.