By Noname - 23/02/2009 04:50 - United States

Today, my sister had a friend over and I had just gotten out of the shower. I wrapped something around me and walked across the living room. When I walked through, they both started laughing hysterically. Turns out I'd grabbed a poncho and the hole for the head ended up right over my crotch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 296
You deserved it 41 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You see, I usually take a towel with me to the shower.. :p

Dr_Phil 0

Why didn't you use a towel after you got out of the shower? I don't understand. This sounds like BS.


I hope your cute, maybe you're well endowed!

doggie3 0

Um. Shouldn't you double check to make sure you wrapped a TOWL around yourself? instead of, maybe, I don't know, a poncho? And also, who just has a random poncho hanging up on their towel rack?

i made an account just so i can commend you on your comment. that was hilarious the fml itself didnt make me laugh as hard as your comment did. lmfao

hunnibunnz 13

Wow can any of you read? It says WOMAN. I'm betting they weren't laughing at the size of her crotch.

FINALLY someone else noticed, I was beginning to think I was the only one who read woman

same! no one appears to be able to read that the OP is a female! granted, it would have been funnier if it was a guy...

wow, you still don't know that on most apps (at least the android ones I've used) DON'T TELL YOU the gender of the op? how many times does this have to get mentioned?

weaboo 12

Yeah no it does say the OPs gender next to her name

wow how do u not notice tht before u went out? lol o n btw FYL lol

the op is a girl and wouldn't you feel a breeze or something down there