By grrrr - 08/02/2010 00:35 - United States

Today, my son learned about various animals in school, and how they urinate to mark their territory. Apparently, the entire second floor of my house is now my son's territory. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 421
You deserved it 2 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pee on him right back. That'll show who's boss.

Yulia_fml 0

It's not his fault if everyone's always telling kids to apply what they learn in school.


who are you to judge? do you know how old his son is? do you have kids? NO don't even have sex. so do yourself a favour and save your comments for 'high school' subjects.

LOL's cute in a gross way. it can't be THAT much pee. I'd rather him do that than smear poo everywhere...

If he learned about it at school he's old enough. Read the post before saying shit.

fogrunner 13

Good on him, praise him a little bit for learning and paying attention. FYL though hahaha

mmmazingmary 0

haha so funny :) follow me on

piss around him when hes sleeping. now he can't move XD

Treat him the way most people treat their pets when they piss on the floor... Stick his face in it and hit him with a rolled up newspaper at the same time!