By Anonymous - 19/09/2009 17:14 - United States

Today, my unemployed boyfriend and I went to the casino. I gave him twenty dollars to play on. He won $1000 on a dollar machine then jackpotted the ten dollar machine for $20,000. When we got home he broke up with me. I have been working two jobs to get our own place. Move in Date?? 2 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 800
You deserved it 5 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sue him. You can get half because YOU gave him the $20 that won him the $21,000 dollars. Yes, I'm serious! He wants to be a dick, you can be one too.


unhappyperson 0

You're better off. Move on, enjoy your place, and find somebody better.

Just watch. In a month, he'll be at your doorstep, broke off his ass, and begging for you to come back to him.

100lol 0

Wow, if he's that kind of a boyfriend, he doesn't deserve a kind person like you. Besides, usually when people win jackpots, they feel overpowered and they will commonly use all of their money in some Poker game or something.

Damn! Now this is the first FML in almost months that I would actually consider an FML. You got royally screwed over. Take him to court!

Sucks, but it's not like he was going to help you pay for the apartment anyways. Now you're better off without that loser. FYL, but also kinda YDI for giving your useless boyfriend money to play with. What are you, his mother?

"Today, after picking up $20,000 in casino winnings, I met a couple of beautiful, funny women who were so much more fun to be with than my always tired and complaining ex-girlfriend. But when I woke up the next morning, the women were gone and so was my money. FML"

Why would you want to move in with a guy who makes you work two jobs so the two of your can live together while he does nothing? Sucks that he got a lucky streak like that, but you are much better off without the deadbeat. So I'd say you got the real win in the end.

Darkchild715 0

It's ok he'll come back when he needs more money

Be glad that you aren't dating him anymore, especially before marrying him. I'm sorry that he was such a jerk, but you got off relatively easy. At least he didn't fleece you and your parents for over a year, steal from you and your parents while you were together, and then rob you blind a few years later, after you broke off the engagement - everything including my fridge, washer/dryer, clothes and pots and pans. My suggestion to you is to either read self-help books or see a therapist about your codependency. "Beyond Codependency" and "Codependent No More" are two excellent books. ;)

He clearly doesn't deserve you, but I'm glad you have your own place now! Bet you $20 he will forget to pay the taxes for it and end up in jail though ;-)