By Anonymous - 19/09/2009 17:14 - United States

Today, my unemployed boyfriend and I went to the casino. I gave him twenty dollars to play on. He won $1000 on a dollar machine then jackpotted the ten dollar machine for $20,000. When we got home he broke up with me. I have been working two jobs to get our own place. Move in Date?? 2 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 800
You deserved it 5 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sue him. You can get half because YOU gave him the $20 that won him the $21,000 dollars. Yes, I'm serious! He wants to be a dick, you can be one too.


Egotistical 0

If your ex got laid off because of the reccession or any other legitimate reason then I can understand why you're helping him out. You two were going thru hard times and you wanted to ride it out then FYL But if he has been leeching off of you for sometime now YDI. Why work 2 jobs and take care of a grown ass man? If anything it should be him taking care of YOU!!! Look at it this way. You just saved more money than he won by not having him anymore. So EPIC WIN. You have your own apartment. 2 jobs. Steady income. And you're single. What more could you want? That money he won won't last him long!!! He'll blow it off and want you back. "Feed a sucker and he'll just grown into a bigger leech."-FABOLOUS

Kick his ass and let him feel that pain. And leave his ass. You definitely deserve better.

My husband and I lived on about that, annually, for a few years. It's doable.

YDI because you should never get a place for you AND someone else without their name on the lease too. Also, you shouldn't let people take advantage of you, and you shouldn't support their lazy asses without a good reason. :/ But it's not an FYL because you're better off without such a selfish jerk, and when he blows his money on something stupid, you better not take him back. D:

Is there a reason he's unemployed? If not, why would you work two jobs to move in with him? He sounds like a dipshit.

if it helps that money will probably last about 5 seconds before he's back where he started

yeah except it's not annual, it was luck, and he didn't work for the money so he's going to blow all of it for sure.

wow he's a huge JERK & u should know better...taking care of him! He's a grown ass man...let him go find a damn Job!!!

Is his name Randy? This seriously sounds like him and the area fits. Either way, you are SO much better off without him.