By drastech99 - 23/09/2011 06:22 - United States

Today, my wife got so upset I didn't hold her while Snooki from Jersey Shore was crying, that after the episode was done she locked herself in our room crying. Now I have to sleep on the floor of my living room. Thanks Snooki. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 756
You deserved it 8 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Snooki: Worsening the life of one person everyday.


I've always hated Snookie and never liked the idiots on JS. Sorry bro

leadman1989 15

You didn't snookie for Snooki? Lol Snooki ruins everything that is good she almost as bad as ke$ha!

The girl I'm kinda seeing is obsessed with JS, I'm scared if she's gonna be like that o_o

stewie13_666 0

ydi for watching that pathetic excuse for a show

Kay so, your wife is either crazy, PMSing, or she's pregnant. She would HAVE to be delusional or hormonal to actually cry over something that ****** up. >>;

Your wife is an idiot, and so are you for marrying her.

You shouldnt let her watch that awful show

effarve 2

**** your wife! You are a nutless monkey.

Fyl for having to watch Jersey Shore!! That's enough alone!!!