By Mouhahaa - 09/05/2012 03:48 - France

Today, my wife stabbed my hand with a fork, making it bleed. I'd only tried to take some fries from her plate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 405
You deserved it 379

Top comments

Rule #331 Do not take food from a womans plate.

Never take food from a woman's plate or anyone's plate without asking. Especially when she's armed!


polkadot3155 6

Mental image *joey doesn't share food!*

stepymac 15

Never take food from a woman's plate it turns into a trip to the nurses office

"you cross my chow zone again. you'll pull back a bloody stump."

Thuban 0

My wife would just shrug this off and jack my chocolate later. Stabbing your hand for anything, not what happens in a loving relationship.

I've been slapped with a hot greasy spatula over some bacon at my house before.

omfg...what is wrong with your wife...she has SERIOUS problems!! you don't just stab someone with a fork....