By Mouhahaa - 09/05/2012 03:48 - France

Today, my wife stabbed my hand with a fork, making it bleed. I'd only tried to take some fries from her plate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 405
You deserved it 379

Top comments

Rule #331 Do not take food from a womans plate.

Never take food from a woman's plate or anyone's plate without asking. Especially when she's armed!


I can't believe all the YDI's this is getting. If the roles were reversed, everyone would be saying for the OP to leave because her husband was abusive. But because the wife stabbed the husband, he automatically deserves it for doing something as trivial as taking a french fry. People need to open their eyes and stop being sexist.

Who does she think you are. The guy from chronical

stevo918 3

Is her name john goodman?!? Lol

gotseoulx 3

Are you guys serious?! It's FRIES. He's not taking her burger, taking a bite out of it, and putting it back. For Christ's sake, it's fries. I don't see what the problem is, honestly. God, I would never date a person who can't handle me taking a few fries off their plate.

We dont share food, ever, if u take we stab :P

She must be fat....... I bet she's fat

Bullheard 0

i know how u feel man.., but ima real fatass and over the years i learnd how to silverwear fight;)


It reminds me of the Oikos super bowl commercial where the girl headbutts John Stamos

BFMV1225 7

Keep to your own plate. If theres no food on your plate get up and get more.