By Anonymous - 19/10/2010 19:18 - United States

Today, my wife started checking her email on her Blackberry while we were having sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 046
You deserved it 10 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you need to make sex more interesting for her?


She definitely mentioned having sex in her message.

kawigurl 0

ydi...couldnt have been all that exciting if email is more entertaining than sexy time!

Wow dude, you need to step it up. She shouldn't even be able to talk, let alone check her phone.

OP. you better hope to God she wasn't looking in the "Spam" folder. WIFE: OH GOD! Where's that e-mail I got on how to increase penis size?! I need some of that for my husband; I can't feel him at all! :( Now THAT would be an FML.

MyFirstKiss 0
CoachLlama 5

Ok, you are looking at this all wrong. She was firing off a mass text to all her galpals about what an animal you were and how she was about to pass out from passion overload "OMG!". Or not.