By Dumbfounded - 08/08/2012 23:03 - United States - Padre Island Ntl Seashor

Today, my wife yelled at me for admitting I take my wedding ring off at work. I explained that I work in a chemistry lab and don't want to damage it. She laughed and said, "Oh please, that chemistry stuff is nonsense anyway." All while reading her horoscope. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 390
You deserved it 3 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nuts to your science! I have a gypsy in a vending machine!


I could suggest wearing it on a chain around your neck?

If either the ring, or the chain it's on, slips off into chemicals, the ring will be damaged. Better to take it off and stash it somewhere.

...and then throw the ring into the fire.

Haha!! My husband works in a chemistry lab as well. The 'hopeless girlie' side of me was a little sad when I found out he had to take off the ring every now and then. But, most of the stuff he works with is pretty volatile and/ or corrosive to the metals in his ring. Find the most extreme video out there in internets land, showing a reaction between a chemical you work with and one of the metals in your ring and show it to her!

Easy fix. Go to the beach with your wedding ring on and get a nice dark tan. Voilà! A tan line wedding ring! Now everyone will know you're not single with or without it. (:

Actually, the ring itself is what signifies they're taken. The wedding band tan line just makes it look like he's recently divorced.

True. But if a lady was interested in dating him and saw the tan line, hopefully she'd be smart enough to ask him if he was married or not. Then it would fall on him... if he lied.(: OP could also get a cheaper back up ring so he wouldn't have to worry about his actual wedding ring getting damaged.(:

McNerdyNerd 8

I love your thinking out of the box, but there are two problems. One, if he used a cheaper ring, I'm willing to bet reactions would be 10x as worse. I'm not a chemist, but cheap metal can hurt your skin without other reactants. Also, if he wore a different ring, his wife would assume the worst..

McNerdyNerd 8

Lastly, you're assuming people are observant enough to see the tan line :) kudos for being positive.

His wife would only assume the worst if she wasn't made aware of what he was doing and why. It'd certainly be an idea to include her when shopping for this other ring... and yes, it makes sense that lesser quality rings would cause more of a reaction, especially for a chemist.

That's when you tell her she's right and forbid her from anything that used Chemistry to exist,'such as the car, her favorite foods, the newspaper, the computer, the list goes on.

Schizomaniac 24

My friend, George, put his ring in mercury which turned it silver. Gold and mercury is a solution. It also killed him.

redhedsaysrawr 18

So THAT'S how George became a zombie! Im sorry that was lame. Sorry about your friend, but you really shouldnt work with mercury without extreme protection. Everyone knows mercury can kill.

Gold is essentially a non-reactive metal, so you shouldn't have to worry about it getting messed up.

Epikouros 31

Gold is also too weak to make rings without adding other metals, which are more reactive.

People like your wife OP, don't have the right to an opinion. She has the right to an informed opinion but not the right to be that fkn ignorant. Just saying.

graphicstyle7 17

I'm guessing she's a looker since you certainly didn't marry her for your compatibility.