By redeye - 19/09/2011 05:03 - United States

Today, my younger brother decided it would be funny to put rubbing alcohol in my contact lens case while I had them soaking overnight. I didn't realize this until I put the first one in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 678
You deserved it 2 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm trying not to imagine the pain. Besides your brother not only being a complete idiot and not understanding general knowledge of house hold chemicals, you should introduce him to rubbing alcohol's couson ;hydrogen peroxide on a nice open wound.

Ambush him by placing two mousetraps just below his balls on his bed while he is sleeping, attach the trap to a string, to a pulley in the ceiling, and then finally tape the string to hid eyelids. The trap will go off once he opens his eyes in the morning, sweet ironic revenge


blazintaint42 1

Put eye drops in one of his drinks thatll **** his day up

Don't leave things like that in reach of children.

DylansMomma 9

Your comment : I can only imagine that led to a cuss word about a mile long. Your brother is rotten, I hope you didnt have any serious damage done to your eye, OP.

Mr_Mole 24

How the hell are people so stupid that they think that's funny? Idiots really piss me off.

What a dick! That could've seriously damaged your eyes! Hope you're okay, OP.

XxxT3rr4xxX 25

Thank god you didn't go blind

ninja_darkstar 6

That could blind you! He should have some SERIOUS consequences

purple_elephant2 0

Ugh... I wear contacts and I can feel my eyes burning in sympathy

Put some extra-strength laxative in his next meal. That'll straighten him up.