By fiendishkitty - 20/09/2011 17:53 - United States

Today, six years after hurricane Katrina took everything from me, I received a letter in the mail from FEMA telling me that I have to repay them the money I received to replace what was lost. I have 30 days to repay $4,900 or the case will be sent into federal debt collection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 907
You deserved it 4 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The government should know all about going in to debt.

asianswag 6


Wow, that genuinely sucks. Hope everything works out.

Time to start stripping. You can make that money in 4 days

NoobHat 6

FEMA needs to be shut down. Hands down, what a waste of tax dollars.

wow. our government really sucks. a devastating hurricane hits and they try to help you, thats ok, perfectly fine. but they shouldnt be charging you for it

Flyersfan54 4

That's uncle Sam for you, rob us our whole lives then charge us when we need a little of our money back..

bocshi83 1

I thought it was a fine comment personally!

BellaBelle_fml 23

I think the government should help out our own people first, and then help out other countries. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for helping out countries in need, but we should look out for our own first.

I'd call my local news. They love stories like this and sometimes can even help work the stuff out. Good luck. Sorry you are having to deal with the aftermath twice

how the hell does my comment have a negative vote already? It was a completely reasonable statement..

Grow a pair, and accept that you can't make a comment every single person would like. I'm sure others will thumb it up.

I thumbed it down just because you're being a whiny little b.....

Thumbs up on your original post. Thumbed this one down.