By athletiks - 26/03/2014 22:39 - United States - Pullman

Today, someone on Instagram posted a picture of himself with gym lifting straps around his neck. I commented "autoerotic asphyxiation" and now a 250-pound bodybuilder wants to kill me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 002
You deserved it 40 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk keyboard warrior.


I'm guessing his next FML would be, 'Today, I got my ass kicked by a 250 pound bodybuilder. FML'

if you dont get it then you are too young to be on here.

Yea, I thought of googling it but was too lazy to go back and forth between the FML app and the safari app just to see the spelling of that word. I can't copy and paste it. Was hoping someone would explain it to me on here.

I am 22 years old. How much older do you have to be to know what it means? -____-

So.. too lazy to look it up, but don't mind the effort of typing 3 unhelpful posts (one being a paragraph)? If you want to learn, you have to seek out the knowledge. Ps. Yes, grow up. The # of years you've lived doesn't reflect how much life you've had. Try asking Mom how fun Autoeroticism is.

i dont see any harm in what op said, its not like if hé was insulting him. well i dont think autoerotic asphixy should be considered as an insult, hé simply overreact way to much, tell him to stop steroide!

No, no... I was confusing that with the T-Rex. Pedal!

Looks like someone needs to develop a sense of humor instead of muscles...

Everyone was thinking it and well you took the fall...think before you act...

I'm more supprised that he understood what that meant!!