By Anonymous - 28/03/2014 19:23 - United States - Bloomfield Hills

Today, the girl I've been dating dumped me after she found out I'm originally from Alabama. Apparently she doesn't want to date someone from a "foreign country". We both live in Michigan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 683
You deserved it 4 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Move back to Alabama. I'll bet even there you'll find someone more educated than that.


mansfield_j 27

Theirs another reason for sure, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard

cha2010chi 10

As fellow Michigander all I can say is WTF

I'm pretty sure you dodged a bullet there buddy. Count your blessings.

neond123 1
rdenkewicz 11

This would have been somewhat reasonable if you were from Georgia, but Alabama?! Wow, no brains!

kacironi 13

this is a life saver moment and not a FML she did you a favor

Steve95401 49

Maybe she misheard you and thought you said "Albania".

inner_peace 19

If you have her number, call her in an upset Indian voice.

She kick my dog! Now my dog need operation!