By anonymous - 28/12/2009 02:18 - United States

Today, the girl that I have been secretly madly in love with for 6 years told me "fuck off and stop doing nice things for me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 879
You deserved it 10 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Six years? Cripes man! Unless you're the best friend, either bugger off or get the hint. I'd have said the exact same thing, honestly.


It sucks when you like somebody but the feeling isn't mutual. Yeah, most of us have been there and it does hurt, a lot. You really just have to accept her as a friend, or completely remove yourself from her presence until you are over her. As for doing nice things, you sound like a lovely guy, like myself - just too generous. The only problem with this, is that people often feel guilty if you push too many gifts onto them, like they owe you. Though, it'll be healthier for you and her if you remain her friend, occasionally do something nice like buy her a coffee and hang out with her, but you really need to move on or you'll just grow old and bitter about the "one that got away."

GenevieveL 0

I've been on the other side of this. She is annoyed because doing nice things for her is an expression of how much you love her, and she doesn't want that constant reminder because she's not interested in you like that. Treat her like a friend, like you used to. She doesn't want to see you trying so hard to please her.

First off, don't listen to #13. It is always a bad idea to take advice from someone who has the same problem you do. Move on. That is it. Don't try to be her friend, don't try to stay in her life, just move on. If she wants to be friends she will approach you. If she wants to talk, she knows how to find you to talk. Maybe two years from now you will bump into each other somewhere and begin talking and be friends again. Maybe you will never be involved in each other's lives. It sucks, but it is the truth. Let it go and move on with your own life.

chenoko 0

I agree #17. If she doesn't appreciate what you have done for her, Just leave. If she doesn't hear from you in a while and you guys just happen to bump into each other later on, you might get a spark going. In the meantime, just start looking for other women. There are plenty of women who would appreciate a generous and caring man such as yourself.

Thanks for that condescending remark that basically paraphrased most of what I just said. Can you please, tell me why you would say that. I mean, in your books it would be better to take advice from somebody that hasn't been in the same situation, than to take advice from somebody that has been in a similar situation?

103- first, he didn't say anything similar to what you said. second, obviously he's in a position where being her friend is not possible. the words **** off are pretty strong. third, don't get your panties in a bunch because someone has a different opinion than you and validates it by explaining to a third party why your advice might be invalid. it makes you look like a Putz. Besides, what vested interest do you have in this situation where what a stranger says on the Internet gets your goad?

it was just awkward for her cause she didn't like you back...

NotVeryOriginal 0

DO NOT do anything crazy like chop her up and hide the mutilated body in your trunk, then peel off her face and wear it as a mask around town who am i kidding you're a creeper you'll do all those things FHL