By Anonymous - 02/10/2010 02:11 - Israel

Today, the girl who I was in love with for almost seven years listed me on facebook as her "Brother." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 026
You deserved it 6 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MissGrinch 4

"Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with everything they have."

squirell_AIDS69 0


My lady considered me to be "a brother" for 13 years. We had each seen each other through our best and worst of times. Then one Christmas I gave her a kiss. It was more than a friendly peck, but it wasn't necessarily sexual either. That got her mind shifting gears. Now we have a beautiful baby boy, and we couldn't be happier. Sometimes good things do come to those who wait.

So many people misunderstand this. The girl has added him as a brother on facebook as they are friends. Lots of people add their friends to facebook siblings/parents/children to show that they are friends. They are not in fact siblings. OP is also worked up about nothing it is a friendly gesture.

carlymac09 2

that could mean that she just doesn't want to say she likes you to ruin a seven year relationship.........ever think of that??

I think that OP is getting at the fact that he is now trapped in the "Friend Zone." Once you get into it, it's near impossible to get out.

blahzz 4

Dude, 7 years?! Get on that shit!

Don't sweat over it, it's Facebook. people do stuff like that all the me w/o actually meaning it. i.e. saying some random person is your spouse as a joke

If you were in love with her for that long you should have said something. Even if she was in a relationship, telling someone you love them and that you're there for them for SEVEN year cause you just can't let go, could change things.

that sucks bro. I hate the friend zone. I hope you get out of it soon.

Lol so what? I do that to all the guys I like:) facebook brothers/sisters just makes it seem like you have more friends so be happy, unless you've already asked her out and she applied you as her brother then fyl.

evanpeer 0

ydi. 7 years? what are you waiting for? sloppy 42nds? you're a pussy. that's why she's not interested.