By skinnybitch - 11/12/2012 18:09 - Denmark - Copenhagen

Today, the guy I'm dating found out I have severe arachnophobia. He downloaded a picture of a huge, hairy spider and set it as background on my iPhone. I can't even unlock my phone, as every time I try, the spider pops up and I drop the phone. He laughs every time I do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 961
You deserved it 6 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

What a cruel joke to play on someone. I hate it when people play on other people's phobias, just to get a laugh out of it.


carminecris89 13

He sounds like a real prick. What he did was ****** up. You might want to see a therapist about your fear. If you can't even unlock your phone, it's just ridiculous. I have a horrific fear of heights and spiders, but getting to the point that you can't get a picture of a spider off your phone is almost pitiful.

WatsonIsThatDood 6

You gotta face your demon sometime. If you keep running, it will take you over and consume you.

Or, it's just funny and you need to grow up, like I did by actually handling spiders

Look up 'phobias' on google, and then educate yourself on the subject.

doglover100 28

He's using your fears against you, he doesn't care about you. He's a jerk

Obey_StudBoii 23

That sucks. Cruel joke to play on someone. I remember a few yrs back I pulled a prank on my Dad where I set his computer background to where it looked like the screen was cracked. Lol best prank

I understand being afraid of spiders, and being afraid of the picture; but that's all it is and somewhere in your mind you know that, and you know what to expect every time you look at it.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

God that is horrible.... people saying she shouldn't be so scared because it's only a picture, you've obviously never had a real phobia before. I'm terrified of bats. My chiroptophobia is so severe I had a panic attack in the school library once because I came across a close-up picture of a bat in a book. It's easy to say suck it up and get over your fear if you don't have one.

KiddNYC1O 20
conholio33 28

What a horrable person!! I to have a fear if spiders.... And its not fun