By lonely - 12/04/2010 00:27 - United States

Today, the Jehovah's Witnesses were at my door. Normally I don't give them the time of day, but I was so lonely for company, I let them in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 078
You deserved it 7 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spidergirl41 0

aww. go to chat roulette. make friends, meet penises. :D

spidergirl41 0

hmm. idk, I say, maybe make a few friends, get laid, quit jacking off to night elves dancing on world of Warcraft, and hmm yeah that ought to work


melaniexann 0

hahaha piston26, awesome comment! =P

SuiGeneris01 2

I hate jw's when you say you don't believe in god, they write you up in their little book, and they start pressuring even more, they even respect other peoples believes!!!

SuiGeneris01 2
Ultimate_Cynic 0

The best way to chase off Witnesses? Answer the door naked.

SuiGeneris01 2

it's happened, and you might be surprised that it no longer phases most of us..btw, I'm a 17 year old girl. I've seen more than my fair share of penis from middle aged fat men at the doors.

hahaha. im a witness too, never been to the door and met someone naked but in general witnesses would most likely politely excuse themselves, or be super quick about it, not totaly sure because it hasn't happened to me.

Ultimate_Cynic 0

You raise a couple of good points, but remember that tolerance is a two-way street. Put yourself in these people's shoes for a second. A lot of them (like myself) were most likely raised christian, and decided at a fairly young age that it just wasn't the right path for them. In what is likely the hardest choice of their young lives, they decide to leave the church and seek their own way; this nearly inevitably leads to them being constantly badgered and/or persecuted by people who, though well-meaning, genuinely believe that they will burn for all eternity for daring to ask questions. This usually continues for a number of years, until eventually they don't see people trying to help them anymore (if they ever did) - they just see a bunch of brainwashed cultists mindlessly chanting, "JOIN US OR BURN, JOIN US OR BURN!" A gross oversimplification, of course, but I think you get the idea.

sugarbabyxoxo 2

98 you complete me :) lol. gotta love that hey, but it's okay for them to do that right.. even though most of them freak an tell people there going to hell for doing the smallest thing. that was not directed at J/W that was directed at any religion based around the Holy Bible. I was waiting for someone to bring that up. I wasn't about to ecauseb I'm already gettin hated on a shit ton for everything else I said.

Ultimate_Cynic 0

I never saw that movie. Are you saying we're deranged, morally derelict mathematicians?