By now have a cat - 24/04/2014 20:52 - United States - Glenview

Today, the man sitting next to me on the train tried to sneak a dead cat into my bag while I was sleeping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 819
You deserved it 3 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DrownedMyFish 18

How did he get on the train with a dead cat?

darlingdollie 24

So what did you do? And I feel bad for the poor cat This needs a follow up


This is so funny I probably would've just glared at him and walked away

Aaand, this is why I hate public transportation..

maggiefox 25

Was the cat already dead or he killed it?

I have so many questions. The first is why did the guy have a dead cat with him. OP I really don't know what to say to you other than, thank God you woke up when you did.

That is mentally disturbing. What was he thinking?

I can't believe how many FMLs there are about disturbing things that happen to people when they sleep in trains. If I ever ride on a train I am going to drink five cups of coffee to stay awake! O_O

The key is to balance coffee consumption with bladder capacity. You really don't want to use the train station's restroom.

Well, I probably don't have anything to worry about since the only Subways where I live are the ones that sell sandwiches.