By SeriouslyMakeItStop - 21/03/2014 11:09 - United States - Waco

Today, three days before I take my bar exam, the biggest exam of my life, I got my monthly. And I get to bring my belongings in a clear plastic bag so the world knows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 299
You deserved it 9 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It happens. Don't let it distract you from doing well on the BAR.

XTheDesertSongX 17

It's still embarrassing. I'm sure you wouldn't want someone to know you were on your period. Although it isn't new, it's still a personal matter.


Maybe you could wear something with pockets and take a couple of tampons in your pocket?

Can you not just put on a pad/tampon and leave the rest in your car until it's over?

skittyskatbrat 19

The BAR exam takes HOURS. And, in a heavy flow, a pad or tampon is not going to last that long. Also, pads should be changed when using the restroom, or it's just...disgusting. Ick. And NO woman wants to risk leakage! But I do recommend that she wear patterned black pants...and possibly tuck a few spare pads into the sides of the panties to use later, assuming the bra has no spare space to tuck them!

I believe the bar is 4-5 hours. Tampons can be worn up to 8 hours. Pads can be worn several hours as well. Yes, heavy flow can shorten that time, but if you regularly have a very heavy flow it should be treated with birth control. You make great points, but if your flow has you wearing regular absorbency, it would be fine to stick with it and keep extras in the car for later. And no one is suggesting anyone change their pad/tampon IN their car.

Good points, but no, heavy flow doesn't need to be "treated" unless it causes problems. Which for many, it don't.

I'm talking about an extremely heavy flow at every period. It's called menorrhagia and any doctor worth their salt will prescribe birth control if you bring it up. I'm speaking from personal experience here... I'm not sure how filling an ultra absorbency tampon or overnight pad every two hours isn't causing problems. Not to mention it could be caused by another problem in your reproductive system. If you are regularly using super and above and not much less, you should say something to your doctor.

skittyskatbrat 19

Some women simply have a heavy flow, or one or two days of "peak" flow. It's not something to "treat with BC pills." It's normal, but annoying. Many women don't like tampons. And if wearing a pad? After using the restroom, you do NOT want to pull a disgusting pad back up and against you.... Personally, I have a big chest. I'd either just go with the plastic bag and an ID or other required objects helping to make the pad less glaringly obvious, or tuck a few spares in with The Girls. But I guarantee I'd be WAY more worried about the BAR exam...and having to leave halfway through to change a pad if it is one of those really heavy days that women sometimes get.

I know what you are talking about when it comes to heavy flow DAYS. That is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about it being heavy throughout your entire period, every period.

I actually had to have a hysterectomy because of super heavy bleeding that caused SEVERE anemia. Nothing like going through TWO Super tampons in an hour PLUS a pad for 7 days every 2-3 weeks. Let's just say, it's been nice knowing I can wear white again and not having to worry about it! Except for the pet hair.. That's always going to suck with white...

I like how I stated what most people said but somehow I got moded. Seems fair lol

How long is the exam? A tampon can last 8 hours, easy. Solved that puzzle!

I personally wouldn't mind too much, but if it really bothers you to carry personals in a clear bag, maybe you could try doubling up and using both a tampon and a pad, simultaneously.

Switch to a cup if carrying pads/tampons is that embarrassing. Cheaper and better for the environment, plus better for your health.

"I ain't passed the BAR but I know a little bit, enough that you ain't gon' illegally search my shit!" -Jay Z, 99 Problems

If you're embarrassed then why are you carrying everything in a clear bag? That makes no sense!!

See #60's comment above. Oh, I see said the blind man...