By SeriouslyMakeItStop - 21/03/2014 11:09 - United States - Waco

Today, three days before I take my bar exam, the biggest exam of my life, I got my monthly. And I get to bring my belongings in a clear plastic bag so the world knows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 299
You deserved it 9 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It happens. Don't let it distract you from doing well on the BAR.

XTheDesertSongX 17

It's still embarrassing. I'm sure you wouldn't want someone to know you were on your period. Although it isn't new, it's still a personal matter.


kitkatmiaow 21

Seriously... If this is such a big deal to you then you need to do some growing up...

For some people it's really embarrassing. For me I prefer people not knowing. It's not something most people share. and I meant to thumbs down this not up

I still get embarrassed when I have to buy tampons at the store it makes me feel self concise and I'm a mom of a two year old and a 3 month old.

well that can be embarrassing. but if anybody gives you dirty looks, make light of the situation

I don't see why anyone would care enough to give her a dirty look, I understand being embarrassed by it, I usually am, but truthfully no one mature enough, especially to take the BAR exams, will care.

chelsearenaeee 16

Why is this an FML? Welcome to being a woman.

Your profile picture complements your comment well!

Exactly. Why is it embarrassing to do what almost every other woman does. Me personally I don't care, just like everyone poops. Get over it.

Don't worry about it too much! Worrying about people seeing your period gear is just one of those spotlight effect things. You feel like everyone's watching and laughing, but (assuming everyone is mature) they really don't care that much. Hope you do well!

OP says she is going to put it in a bag and it has to be clear. A lot of bar exams are administered in government buildings; the clear bags are for security reasons.

BubbleGrunge 18

I'm not sure how a bad exam works but couldn't you being things and leave them in the car? I mean, I could be wrong but you can't leave in the middle of a bar exam anyway can you?

I don't think you can. You can't during standardized testing in high school... Don't think this would be any different.

#62 - any test or exam i have sat throughout high school and uni has allowed toilet breaks. just not within the first and last half hour for uni, & first and last 15 minutes at high school. guess some places just have stricter rules.

Toilet runs are supervised and once you've left the building, you cannot re-enter it. However, the last thing you want to do during any law exam is take a break because you have far too much to write in very little time.

167, I meant leaving the room before supervised bathroom breaks.

winimy 8

That's not such a bad thing, what if you had it on the day of the exam? In the exam room?

I don't think anyone will notice or care. They will all be stressed about passing the Bar as well. Btw for the person who didn't know in order to practice law in any state you have to pass the bar for that state. Very few states have reciprocity

sammyjanette 17

I'm assuming you're in your mid-20s. That means that you've had your period for about 10 years now. Why aren't you over this by now? All of the people there will be too worried about passing their exam to care that some chick is on her period.

Find out if it's okay to carry a change purse or something if that nature? Surely you should be allowed a wallet in the bag.