By SeriouslyMakeItStop - 21/03/2014 11:09 - United States - Waco

Today, three days before I take my bar exam, the biggest exam of my life, I got my monthly. And I get to bring my belongings in a clear plastic bag so the world knows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 299
You deserved it 9 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It happens. Don't let it distract you from doing well on the BAR.

XTheDesertSongX 17

It's still embarrassing. I'm sure you wouldn't want someone to know you were on your period. Although it isn't new, it's still a personal matter.


Just buy a mooncup! Edit: like many people have pointed out.

I'd be more worried about getting stomach cramps or heaven forbid a leak while trying to write :/ But good luck OP!

Just use the Kotex u with the cute packaging ahaha

Sorry to beak it to you OP but the world already knew you had periods.

At least it's three days ahead, so hopefully it will be a bit lighter, maybe even winding down by the time you go for your exam.

P.S. Best of luck on your exam; we're rooting for ya!

I highly doubt you're the only woman taking the bar that day who is on her period. All the women will understand and not care, and all the men will probably be too scared to think about periods to care.

yay another lawyer. just what we need..

Its normal, natural, an nothing out of the ordinary......i think youll be alright, still sucks tho

might sound like a stupid question but what's a bar exam?

The test required after law school to practice law in a jurisdiction