By SeriouslyMakeItStop - 21/03/2014 11:09 - United States - Waco

Today, three days before I take my bar exam, the biggest exam of my life, I got my monthly. And I get to bring my belongings in a clear plastic bag so the world knows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 299
You deserved it 9 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It happens. Don't let it distract you from doing well on the BAR.

XTheDesertSongX 17

It's still embarrassing. I'm sure you wouldn't want someone to know you were on your period. Although it isn't new, it's still a personal matter.


shinigami99 10

It's not that big of a deal... Put it in a container that is marked with another product or something and put that inside of the plastic bag. For example, put the tampons or pads or w/e in a candy box. Nobody will know unless they are searching through your belongings. I'm male, so i wouldn't know but I've got lots of experience with hiding substances if you know what I mean.

I don't really see this as an FML, so what? You're an adult and so are everyone else. Get over it it's not so bad unless you wear white and something happens. Grow up!

It's not a case of being immature and needing to "grow up", it's a case of embarrassment. Yes, everyone knows that women have periods and it's not a big deal but a lot of women still prefer not to parade it around and have everyone know about it.

Big deal. Seriously. Women menstruate. I'm sure the rest of the world has more to do than take note (let alone care) that you're ragging it.

You can't have anything in your pockets?

Many men will see this as a non-issue while women will have sympathy toward the situation. You can do a couple of different options. They have the carry cases for tampons which you can open for officials when you arrive showing exactly what is in them or you can get, as another suggested, a cup specially designed for periods that you can wear for up to 8 hours and wear a panty liner or light pad just in case. The only other option is to embrace it and not give a care to what everyone is going to think because you are going to ace this exam and show you are worthy of passing the BAR. I wish you luck!

Just had to google what a "bar exam" was. :P I was imagining some kind of pro bartender exam ;) Hope you did well, OP!

I don't personally care if people know when I am on my period, but I would feel awkward if everyone could see that I was. I feel that it makes THEM uncomfortable... I would just use the feminine product and sneak one in my pocket... That or use it and then change it after the test.

savingaspo 7

You could keep a pad or two in your wallet or underneath your foot inside your shoe. There are many places to hide them, and if not, get a makeup bag and just show the officers on your way in.

As a fellow woman with her monthly, I feel your pain. Good luck on your exam.