By gummy bear - 21/01/2011 11:41

Today, trying to be an old-school romantic, I asked my girlfriend, "Where art thou, my love?" via SMS. She replied, "Toilet." FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 524
You deserved it 30 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no, you've found out the truth-- that girls POO and PEE. How will you LIVE?!


oxoxbritoxox 3

why would you even say that is weird??

sounds like a shitty relationship... lol

mustasho 0

well honesty is da best feature in a woman :D

I know people already pointed out middle English/Victorian English is not the same dialect as we speak now but it makes this fml even better. He asked his wife, "Why are you my love?" and she answers, "toilet" I do not know why but I find that immensely funny.

That would be 'wherefore art thou'... (I'm going to ignore the bit about 'Victorian' English.)

SAnd don't forget about the fact that Juliet is 13, if I remember correctly. But that's just the point of the play. It's about young love and we all know how much teenagers exaggerate their feelings at that age. Romeo and Juliet just took it to a whole new level.

jestersshadow 0

Yeah, FYL because your girlfriend has a sense of humor.

jestersshadow 0
littlebluepill 1

Ahahahahahaha she's a keeper!!