By gummy bear - 21/01/2011 11:41

Today, trying to be an old-school romantic, I asked my girlfriend, "Where art thou, my love?" via SMS. She replied, "Toilet." FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 524
You deserved it 30 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no, you've found out the truth-- that girls POO and PEE. How will you LIVE?!


Be happy, if she said "im on the john" it might get a little confusing.

ACleverName 0

haha wow what a big deal *sarcasm*!!!! get the **** over it girl do use the bathroom ya know!!

purplechelsey94 4

Awww that was cute of you. My bf says that to me all the time :)... except i don't think i have ever been on the toilet when he did... lol

it means your comfortable with each other which is good...don't be a pussy ok and plus Shakespeare is gay