By Anonymous - 15/08/2012 00:12 - United States

Today, wanting to be romantic, I came home with flowers, and told my girlfriend I love her and that I never want us to fall apart. Before I could finish my second sentence, she farted, said, "Aww, that's so sweet" and quickly excused herself to the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 170
You deserved it 2 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sheerem 7

She probably just had diarrhea and didn't want to crap her pants in front of you. Don't take it too seriously.


yomama97 5

maybe she really had to poop -.-

Get over it. That is not that bad. If she's farting in front of you she loves you and is secure in your relationship. Maybe she gambled on a fart and lost you dont know. Your relationship is fine your reading the signs wrong.

That is the most gorgeous baby I have seen this year!! Soooooo cute!

Thank you! He's just a doll face! Keeps getting cuter and cuter as the months go by :-) lol

Octain 13
Octain 13
lexiieeex3 32

Not really an FML. Everyone farts. Maybe she'd just sick. At least she told you that you were sweet.

Next time she wants to have sex say u have a headache, and proceed to turn on xbox

Righto! For the love of God. Do not become a marriage councilor!!

astralvagan 20

I wouldn't read too much into it.... Maybe she had real bad diarrhea or didn't want to fart around you anymore.... She sounds like she was actually trying to be ladylike.

It's not her fault if she had to go to the bathroom. You expect that to magically go away just because you wanted to have sex?