By manksy - 01/01/2010 22:07 - United Kingdom

Today, when I was unpacking all of my stuff, my parents declared that they are going to live in Australia, and have found me a 'friend'. I am a 14 year old girl at boarding school, and my friend is my new foster mum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 025
You deserved it 2 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is awful. I hope you find some other adults that you can be close to and take an interest in you. Please remember that this about them and not you; it's their selfishness and neglect, not because you are not a worthwhile person. I am so sorry to hear this.

well, once they settle there, send them a big box of cookies, make them yourself, add whatever you wish to add.


xTeehee 0

Awhh Poor You :( It will Be Okay Though :) x

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Awwww, Thats one of the worst FML's iv heard... Im sorry, i hope your okay and wish you luck :) And im from selby boarding school, North Yorkshire, lmfao :P

pedobearsstalker 0

I reccomend jumping out a window

warriorcatluvr 0

yes I agree with one. but at least u won't live ass hole parents anymore!

lmao srsly rlly sorry though it'll be okay :)

well, once they settle there, send them a big box of cookies, make them yourself, add whatever you wish to add.

Maddoctor 10

i.e. arsenic, mercury, or rat poison. That should just about do it.

Maddoctor 10

Woah, that was definitely not the comment I responded to. It freaking disappeared. Something about baking cookies and sending them to her parents with some added ingredients...

mylifestoryy 6

lol that was number 7 you're looking for xD

dudeitsdanny 9

Rather fitting, though, isn't it? Messed up posts sometimes work out for the best

Maddoctor 10

Sigh...the comment reappeared. That's the one thing I hate about this site; the comments float in and out of existence.

Wow, you're really mad! I suggest putting some alleric shit like nuts and laxants.

u_killed_kenny_ 0

nah just some nasty shit that will make em sick for a few days, that will show em

Rawr100 0

Don't take it personally. Seems your parent's are selfish..

Bit harsh isn't it! Did they not even offer to take you with them??

amberceleste 0

6! sry u auld make them an apple pie with a secret ingredient

reminds me of "Hyde's" (that 70's show) special brownies xD on topic: OUCH, FYL double time for having the most ****** up people as parrents

Really? You corrected their post but missed that they misspelled the word “parents”?

This is awful. I hope you find some other adults that you can be close to and take an interest in you. Please remember that this about them and not you; it's their selfishness and neglect, not because you are not a worthwhile person. I am so sorry to hear this.

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.... she is a child. her parents are responsible for her wellbeing no matter how she acts because they had her. its immoral to abandon a child without reason and out of personal ease or whatever.

Yes, exactly. Certainly in the U.S., it's also illegal.

You can give a kid up for adoption in the US. She did say she got a foster mom, they didn't just leave her on the streets or something. Not that I'm saying it's ok; this is definitely the most ****** up FML I've ever read. I'm sorry manksy :-( FYL indeed.

i doesnt matter how she acts. whether shes bad or good, its up to her parents to take care of her. and if she IS bad, its her parents' fault for not raising her correctly. wow theyre awful parents all around. they should get in some kind of trouble for that.

wow what an awful thing to say. shame on you

daydreamstar 7

hug for the op? just do your best and reach for the outer rim of the solar system :)

Towelie_31 0

There are a lot of things i feel could help the op at this point in time, i don't think that becoming an astronaut is one of them...

*hugs* for the OP. This really, really, REALLY is one of the biggest FMLs I've ever read. I'm sorry. :( But at least you won't have such jerkish parents?