By Anonymous - 15/12/2011 17:26 - United States

Today, while at family dinner, my boyfriend got drunk and told my entire family the things I do in bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 862
You deserved it 5 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CassieMarieee 7

Nothing brings people together like some good old fashioned conversation at a family dinner :)

"She's okay with the missionary, and nothing else. Missionary, missionary, missionary. I'm all for a Christian lifestyle but this is ridiculous."


Poetaster 10

Perhaps you should aim a bit higher when choosing a mate? This one seems to have little respect for you and none for himself. His comments are unconcible.

Nay. If anything, blame OP for dating a tool that can't control himself. Drinking doesn't change people, it *reveals* them.

bigdaddy93 8

well if you weren't a freak u wouldn't have anything to be embarrased about but he shouldn't have done that its disrespectfu to u and ur entire family

You think you have it bad, OP? Now your family's going to need handi-wipes to get rid of the image of your boyfriend going ass to mouth on you from their minds.

I've don't this exact thing, LOL just laugh it off !

Did he tell them you do those things like a boss? Lol

look like your not the good girl, they thought you are ;)

UsEumYong 4

What will YOU take away from the family table??

If he marries you it doesn't matter. Otherwise, your next boyfriend is going to hear a story he's not going to like.