By Anonymous - 18/02/2014 19:49 - Virgin Islands, U.S. - Kingshill

Today, while getting intimate with my boyfriend, he started sucking on my breast. He ended up popping a pimple on it into his mouth. He threw up and that, as they say, was the end of that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 320
You deserved it 19 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BobRoss9 8

I feel like he should write his own FML

You could call it *puts on glasses* Titty pop


That really sucks, but that is kinda nasty...

how big was the pimple . was it the size of your nipple?

Why do you have a pimple on your boob? Nasty!

Can't give enough thumbs up to that comment. Nasty indeed!

Some females have hormone imbalances that cause them, others have syndromes that create them and so forth. Look up "PCOS" and "HS"

Heat rash ointment is amazing for breasts. But really, he should know better not to suck on zits.

jellenwood 35

I've never had a zit on my tit!

After throwing up, he made his mind up that as long as he lives, he will be a man who likes girls with nice booties.

cryssycakesx3 22

I adore a good pair of slippers...