By you - 30/10/2012 19:46 - United Kingdom

Today, while getting intimate with my girlfriend, she asked me to whisper her name. Apparently, her name isn't Kate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 773
You deserved it 79 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

She's your girlfriend, and you don't know her name? Are you kidding me?

Fx13mz 7


Apparently her name wasn't Kate? You idiot how do you have no idea who it is you are getting intimate with... Wow YDI.

I'm sure its one of the parties' fault. Yours if you're a scumbag; hers, if she would jump into bed with a person that each other does not know very well. Not much of this story to tell which, so why is the guy being thumbed down?

Nevermind; Its the guy, the key term 'girlfriend' signals it's the scumbag.

BreeannHatesYou 4

I just tried to tell you this, but you figured it out. So I'm editing the comment so I don't look like an idiot...

lexi365 20

Wait... What? How do you not know your girlfriend's name?

Simple, either She told him the wrong name or she has a sister named Kate.......either way he's a moron

You can possibly be the biggest douche out there.

X_Codes 11

Are you new to the site? Hang around for a week or so and you'll find some people who are OH SO MUCH WORSE... Kind of the appeal, really. :p

loserboii 11

"what's your name?" "Anonymous."

Is this a Tumblr reference? If it is, you earned cool points. Haha

loserboii 11

It's from the Bobby Valentino song-Anonymous.

I have a feeling that you may be unfaithful. Either that or called her by an ex's name.

I now understand why so many tend to use pet names like: Lovie (my fav) honey, cutie, babe etc. . . But you said "girlfriend" not some chic I was seeing/banging (or the likes) shame on you!

I don't see at all how this isn't YDI. Even if OP isn't a cheater he should know his "girlfriend's" name.