By you - 30/10/2012 19:46 - United Kingdom

Today, while getting intimate with my girlfriend, she asked me to whisper her name. Apparently, her name isn't Kate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 773
You deserved it 79 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

She's your girlfriend, and you don't know her name? Are you kidding me?

Fx13mz 7


1JDub 6

Apparantly, your not getting any! FYL

kittytub 12

this reminds me of the song Polaroid by shwayze. anyone else?

I thought of the song That's Not My Name They call me night girl But I'm a fright girl Baby Joliesa, it's all the same That's not my name (x4) ^the words might not be exact. Also I don't know how to spell Joliesa. Total guess on that one

kittytub 12

yeah, that too. but Polaroid is basically he bangs so many chicks he doesn't bother/can't tell/doesn't remember, which could be op :P

yoursucklives 36

you got the lyrics completely wrong there, 48

Maybe she meant her sex name. Ivana Humpalot. Na but how the hell do you forget your girlfriends name Op?

Say my name, say my name When no one is around you, say baby I love you. "Kate" *nut check*

olpally 32

The stupidity is strong with this one... Ydi, pay attention to your girlfriend! Whatever her name is.... Lol

perdix 29

Mulva? Hest? Dolores!!!!! You don't have to call me "darlin'," darlin' You never even called me by my name.

And I never, minded standin, in the raaaaaaaaaaain wwhhooooooaaaaa

How do you not know your girlfriends name?

I'm hoping that "Kate" isn't your sister, or another relative of yours.

kcmeeks13 2

Deserved that one, didn't ya?