By Anonymous - 01/03/2011 17:32 - United States

Today, while getting it on with my boyfriend, I decided to be spontaneous and do something sexy. I started taking his underwear off with my teeth. My teeth dragged over his shaft, and my braces cut up his foreskin in the process. Now he's not talking to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 758
You deserved it 62 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm surprised you didn't get pubes caught in your teeth

braces and penis do NOT mix. poor guy.


obviously you didn't think this through... poor guy, I can see why he wouldn't be talking to you.

oh my gosh!!! haha that would suck! if I did that my boyfriend would still talk to me. if he really loves you, he will get over it

sbwaves 0

WHO GIVES A SHIT! everyone stop being so protective and negative! crazy people

XEmoChickk1027X 0

Oh Shit.!! Well you cant blame him for being upset,You cut his foreskin for god sakes . He'll get over it . Eventually . And you'll be havin sex again before you kno it . Just next time,DONT DO THAT.!

wow poor guy ouch!! but accidents happen and im sure if he really loves her he will accept her appology. ( i dont blame him for not talkin to her tho

What brand? Black & Decker Pecker Wrecker.

I find braces reeeaaaallyyyy attractive tbh....

JokeMeister 0

no teeth just tongue and lips. f u can't get that right then maybe u should not b having sex at all