By Bobby - 10/08/2012 11:42 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, while housesitting my neighbor's dogs the phone rang. I answered it and a voice said, "Stop checking your Facebook and take care of my dogs. They look like they need to go out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 307
You deserved it 33 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously do your job. You're not getting paid to go on Facebook. Ydi

JimSweatshirt 6

It was probably one of the dogs watching you


olpally 32

It's their house and their property... They can do whatever they want with it! They can spy all they want. It's not invasion of privacy if they ask someone to watch their house and dogs. It's perfectly legal. Their house, their rules.

raraisbang 12

Dumbest comment of the day award goes to.... *drumroll* 15!

15, you can't report people for "spying" on their own can however be FIRED for not doing the job you were paid to do instead of playing on the Internet.

Hmm... Odd. And creepy. I wouldn't work for them anymore- even though you aren't really working.

The call is coming from inside the house!

I'm a dog person . Someone is helping me out by staying in my home and looking after my dogs is good for me. If the labs don't get a walk and that's their biggest issue I'm cool with it. If you want to dictate how your pets are cared for, pay the empty house insurance and kennel fees + activities.

xxjenn27xx 8

I would have cameras for my dogs and cats too, but i dony see anything wrong with a quick fb check

Facebook isn't going anywhere; the OP could have waited. Now he looks incapable of handling responsibility.

OP probably checked Facebook multiple times for the day, hence the neighbors comment.

Good thing you were only on facebook and not on some animal pornography site.

How do you housesit a dog??? You **** its asshole?

By making sure it has food, water, and doesn't urinate or.. Ugh leave a bowel movement on the floor.

Sit on the house, then sit on the dog. *srsface*

I think a lot of you are missing the point of the FML. She found out in a creepy way that she was being spied upon. Often when people house sit, they basically live at that house for that period of time, so just because she checked her facebook doesn't mean she wasn't doing her job.

baileygirl88 8

Thank you! I totally agree with you! I think most people don't understand the point of the FML either! I would be so creeped out..

hazydaze 9

That's extremely creepy, but I guess they have a right to have spy stuff set up in THEIR house. Some people don't have respect for others houses, which makes it hard to find someone to trust, so FYL. But take the dog out before it ***** on the floor, man.

So they a a nanny cam. Or in this case a dog cam. But take care of the dogs ok.

BubbleGrunge 18

Your neighbors seems slightly neurotic OP. It's not like the dogs are human children that need tending too constantly. I wouldn't watch their dogs again if I were you. They can afford cameras in their house, let them pay for a kennel boarding.