By f.a.t. - 04/10/2013 08:20 - Australia

Today, while in bed, my boyfriend pointed to my stomach and said, "Bad fat", then pointed to my boobs and said, "Good fat." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 614
You deserved it 7 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when I would have pointed to him and said "Bad boyfriend!"

That's when you do the "good head, bad head" with his penis and his actual head.


I like both types of fat. Having some flab on the stomach is extremely sexy. So are big boobs.

Point at his penis and say "Good head" , then point to his head and say "bad head".

Point to the doghouse and say "New home"

um, he sounds like an immature rude dick, dump him. You don't need that in you're life.

Klick 3

Point at your butt and say a$$hole. Point at him and say single a$$hole.

I would have pointed to him and said single guy and point and his dick and said unless fat

FYL for over reacting and being offended by your boyfriend who was obviously joking around. Just laugh it off and get over it OP if you know your man loves you then you shouldn't even be trippin...This just sounds like average babe behavior. '-'