By f.a.t. - 04/10/2013 08:20 - Australia

Today, while in bed, my boyfriend pointed to my stomach and said, "Bad fat", then pointed to my boobs and said, "Good fat." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 614
You deserved it 7 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when I would have pointed to him and said "Bad boyfriend!"

That's when you do the "good head, bad head" with his penis and his actual head.


Point at him and then his pelvic regions and say, "Big dick, little dick."

cgart96 15

I hate how stuck up the commenters on FML sound. You're mostly just a bunch of assholes correcting grammar.

LittleRed79 39

I would've pointed at his stomach and said "good skinny" then pointed at his penis and said "bad skinny"

johnmartin 5

That's when you point to him and say "big dick" and then point to his junk and say "small dick".

Thats like every girls worst nightmare come tru. Thats probably the biggest reason girls are so concerned about body image these days. What a jack ass. Id have slapped the shit out of him and broke it off right then and there. That was so rude!

You should have then pointed at his pecker and said. Little Dick and then pointed to him in the face and say... Big Dick.