By f.a.t. - 04/10/2013 08:20 - Australia

Today, while in bed, my boyfriend pointed to my stomach and said, "Bad fat", then pointed to my boobs and said, "Good fat." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 614
You deserved it 7 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when I would have pointed to him and said "Bad boyfriend!"

That's when you do the "good head, bad head" with his penis and his actual head.


Question... does anyone take a joke anymore? Im sure he didnt mean it. about the bad fat that is. Im sure he meant it about the good fat. lol

haha as funny as that is lol thats mean XD no girl should be called fat

I hope you dumped his inconsiderate, mean, and stupid butt!

Should've pointed at him and said ex boyfriend and showed him the door

Should've pointed at him and said ego big penis small

Swift4Life 13

All I can picture is Max from Max & Ruby doing this.

your boyfriend doesn't realize that size 0 is not cute or attractive, at least to most. you'll find someone who likes you for you, and not just for your ****.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

Defending one body type by shaming another body type? How does that even make sense... You're trying to make someone accept their body, by telling them that another type of body is disgusting? So all body types are beautiful except those that are the polar opposite to yours? That's not how this works. You shouldn't have to put down someone else to feel better about yourself, because that is unhealthy. Preach healthy body acceptance, not ___-shaming.

ItsJustTrina 5

ya shoulda thonged him. after punchin him in the face.