By N1ch0la1 - 08/08/2009 09:35 - South Africa

Today, while in the shower, my roomates thought it would be really funny if they threw my cat in with me. The doctor who gave me the stitches also thought so. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 214
You deserved it 2 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone will thinks it's funny :D Except for you :)

Donthavekids 0


Sucks for you, but that's hilarious. Hope you're man enough to make those ******* pay.

I feel your pain! my cat got thrown in my shower when I was 11, i'm 21 and still have the scars... get revenge!!!!

happycat_fml 0

I would kill my friends if they ever messed with my cat, that's just cruel.

this wouldn't have happened if you weren't stupid enough to own a cat.

XxHU4LxX 0

You deserved it for being stupid!!

YDI for not using a thing called a "door lock" when you're in the bathroom