By N1ch0la1 - 08/08/2009 09:35 - South Africa

Today, while in the shower, my roomates thought it would be really funny if they threw my cat in with me. The doctor who gave me the stitches also thought so. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 214
You deserved it 2 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone will thinks it's funny :D Except for you :)

Donthavekids 0


YDI for having a cat, cats are wrthless, untrustworthy, cute and furry little pieces of demonspawned refuse...

omg this is sooo funny plus f the cats life 1: it got wet 2: it had to c u naked :)

It's just as funny to throw flower over the top. It's very hard to get off even when standing in running water.

My older brother did that to me. I still have a scar.

the comments just might be even better than the fml. :)

Wait your friends were in the shower when they decided this? Where were you when they threw your cat "in" with you? Hanging participle, OP.

cupcake330 16

This is exactly why I HATE cats!! Lol FYL if I were u I'd do something way worse to them

Heh. I would get new roommates, and ensure that they pay for your medical bills. What a bunch of assholes.