By N1ch0la1 - 08/08/2009 09:35 - South Africa

Today, while in the shower, my roomates thought it would be really funny if they threw my cat in with me. The doctor who gave me the stitches also thought so. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 214
You deserved it 2 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone will thinks it's funny :D Except for you :)

Donthavekids 0


lmfao ur roomates have a great sense of humor

purplepandaz 0

it's called giant spiders in their beds!!! XD

sabrinaFML 0

Sorry, but i bet ur cat was laughing 3 >< as hard as mee LMFAAOOOO

pregnantpianist 2

Ouch. Get them back. Snakes are always a nice touch. Or bees.

Lol! You gotta admit, it is kinda know, if you forget the whole stitches and hospital aspect. Poor cat :/

I thought a wet pussy was always good... Well except for that case!

I will NEVER understand why some people think playing cruel pranks on people is funny. That was cruel not only to the poor cat who was probably scared to death, but also to you! Not only are stitches and doctor's visits expensive, but you have to live with the physical pain of the lacerations on your body until they properly heal – not fun. I certainly hope you weren't scratched anywhere on your genitalia or any sensitive spots elsewhere. Then it would doubly suck. Also, I apologize for having such fucktards for roommates.