By N1ch0la1 - 08/08/2009 09:35 - South Africa

Today, while in the shower, my roomates thought it would be really funny if they threw my cat in with me. The doctor who gave me the stitches also thought so. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 214
You deserved it 2 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone will thinks it's funny :D Except for you :)

Donthavekids 0



What? The kitty needed a bath too. Not that licking its fur never did the job. But still...

newguy12 0

i guess you're not a cat person #33

You deserve it for not being able to beat up a cat in the shower.

That is really ****** up for the cat. My roommate threw my cat in a shower too, and it traumatized him for the rest of his life.

waterynuggets 0

AFV video or it didn't happen

I feel that Tarynkd should feel bad for both the poster and the cat. Something like that does have the potential to traumatize the cat for the rest of it's life and cause it to do all sorts of things without warning or even realizing it. Almost all cats hate water. It's just in their genetics. Tarynkd should, however, show SOME sympathy to the poster because he DID have to get stitches and stitches are never fun. And he's got some douchy friends.