By yoked - 18/12/2009 03:48 - United States

Today, while lying in bed with my wife, I asked her if she still loved me. Her reply "Sometimes". This I know is true because she instantly rolled over and farted on my leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 195
You deserved it 4 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She loves you enough to mark you with her scent, that should keep the other women and dangerous predators away from you.

Oh my goodness. Well, at least she's honest. How do you even respond to something like that?


voveraite 7

It's fun and in good humour, IF YOU BOTH have the same standards for such. That's why one shouldn't say yes before they made sure they're compatible in this respect. Also, why the double standard? Except for medical emergencies, I expect a man not to fart with sound when I'm around (what I didn't hear didn't happen, and EVERYONE can make farts (and burps) mute). Rant over, lol What I wonder OP, was she always like this? It is incredibly sad if after some time of commitment, one partner decides to put the classiness aside (again, knowing fully the other does not share their notion of humor). It's basically not getting what you bargained for.

hahahaha that's like an exact conversation I have had with my boyfriend. I tease him and will say "sometimes" if he asks a queston like that, or when he's leaving for work or when I'm going out i'll say "goodbye forever". on ridiculous and playful nights, we take turns tormenting each other with dutch ovens, especially if i'm still wide awake and trying to prevent him from going to sleep. he's stronger than me so he usually wins. however, we also just got a dog, and she's better than both of us at clearing a room.

that's absolutely disgusting. there IS such a thing as being too comfortable with your partner.

13929jje 0

The wonders of marriage, brutal honesty and farts. Truly beautiful.

lissasaywhaaa 0

Well, you knew who she was when you asked her to marry you. Just be proud that you found someone that loves you enough to be completely real around you. And, for the people saying women shouldn't fart; I can assure you that every woman in the world has farted and that they probably will in your presence, also. :)

justanormalkid 0

I read this.. went downstairs woke up my husband and asked him if he posted this. Why? because I am pretty sure I did this to him a couple of days ago and we live in Utah. For a womans point of view, Im IN love with him every single second of everday, but do I like him and love him all day everyday for everything he does? NO. I only want him to know the truth because lying just means that I dont care enough to spare his feelings when he is asking the questions. But tooting a little on his leg makes the situation lighthearted and saying HEY! now your stuck with me foreeeevvverr lover phace :)

This is how my husband and I show our love. No joke, lol