By loldick - 15/11/2009 18:28 - United States

Today, while my girlfriend was going down on me, she looked up at me and said, in a high-pitched voice, "Yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 936
You deserved it 23 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pleura 0

Shut up, at least you're getting head.

Thatk1ddd 0


Raiderwrstler65 0

damn she's willing to go down on your lame ass and she's funny, sounds like a great girlfriend and you're a stuck up ass.

jw90 18

did she then say mmmmmm tastes like the gravy u put on my potatoes

and what did u want her to say? "eww this is gross!" is that better?

are you ******* gay! a girl that loves giving head now how is that an fml. go be like your girlfriend and suck a dick I'll take some head from her and enjoy it when she says yummy yummy yummy!

perdix 29

If she went on to say "I have love in my tummy," I might have lost my boner.

At least it wasn't, "Om nom nom nom nom!" Still, not an FML.

@Op: You're lame and you don't deserve a girlfriend half as awesome as the one you have. You're lucky she's still with your whiny bitch self and still willing to suck your nasty two inch dick. It would've been even funnier if she'd said "om nom nom nom nom"

This is what I saw when I read your FML: "wah wah, my girlfriend has a sense of humor and likes sucking my dick, wah, FML!" I rarely if ever say this, but this is NOT an fml.