By quirrus - 07/05/2012 09:42 - United States

Today, while showering with my boyfriend, he asked if something was weird about his penis. Naturally, I looked closer. As soon as I did, he sprayed my face with urine. This is only the beginning; we just moved in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 113
You deserved it 9 842

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Comet_Candy 23
Heather645 5

Wow, and your still with him?


poohappens26 0

Oh hell no! That's grounds for breakup in my book! Sicko needs to be a ex

datfatjunkii 1

Did you uppercut his junk while you were down there?

I shower with my fiancé and he pissed on my ass and laughed but never on my face. Not into that kind of stuff. Gross. I have been farted on many many times though lol

No. This is the end. Say goodbye to that manchild. You deserve better than that.

PrimeStarscream 30

Ew. Dump him. If that's his fetish he can enjoy ****. No man that pees on you and disrespects you is worth your time.

That's actually really inappropriate... Boyfriend or not.

lowie89 7

That's disgusting! Real immature on his part

The fact you didn't say your now Ex bf shows you deserve it ok liked it to some degree

1) Use better grammar 2) There is this thing called "Love", it is what OP experiences 3) OP didn't like it because of one factor: it's on FML. DEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPP!