By quirrus - 07/05/2012 09:42 - United States

Today, while showering with my boyfriend, he asked if something was weird about his penis. Naturally, I looked closer. As soon as I did, he sprayed my face with urine. This is only the beginning; we just moved in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 113
You deserved it 9 842

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Comet_Candy 23
Heather645 5

Wow, and your still with him?


Sounds to me like there is nothing wrong or weird about his penis. It works like it is supposed to. Did it look weird to you, before you got a shot of whiz to your eyes?

redstaylor 4

Yuck. That's a deal breaker.

Translation: "you deserve it for dating the dumbass"

moneybagz131 6

Is your boyfriend a fan of R Kelly? Just sayin.